Regular check-ups to stay healthy

If you are living with an ongoing, chronic health issue, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and asthma, regular medical care is important to staying healthy and avoiding other health issues that may be caused by your conditions. Regular health check-ups are also the time to check how your medications are working, and to get tests you may need.


Other services

We can help you learn more about your health condition or disease, offer tips for eating, exercise and other ideas to help you feel as healthy as you can. We off many services to patients who are established with a medical provider that are often covered through insurance or at a low-cost or no-cost, such as:

  • Certified diabetes educators who can answer questions and guide you through what you need to know about living healthier with diabetes
  • Dietitians and nutritional counselors to help you understand healthy foods for your condition
  • Classes on living with diabetes or other health conditions
  • Cooking classes
  • Diabetes Days, where patients with diabetes can get other services such as eye checks and evaluations for prescription diabetes shoes.
  • Behavioral health services to help you live better with the challenges of your condition, get help for anxiety or depression, or help you quit harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs