Auky van Beek, PA-C
Physician Assistant

Auky has worked for Neighborcare Health since she graduated from PA school in 1997. She spent 9 years at Rainier Beach Medical Clinic, and is now at Roosevelt High School. Auky teaches Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, a research-based program for adults and teens that has shown benefits in attention, reactivity, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. She is a first generation American of Dutch descent. She was born and raised in Louisiana, but has lived in Seattle since 1992. She loves learning new skills (plumbing, electrical, guitar), gardening, hiking, yoga and cross-country skiing.
Why I Work at Neighborcare:
I love working as part of a dedicated team offering the best care available anywhere. I love Neighborcare's commitment to offering health care to those who might otherwise not have access.
Here's my current favorite quote: "Between stimulus and [reaction] there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." --Victor Frankl
NCCPA Certified Physician Assistant, 1997. NCCPA recertification, 2003
B.S., Psychology, Louisiana State University, 1990
B.A., Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington, 1997
Physician Assistant Certificate, University of Washington, 1997
English, Dutch