Letitia Salazar Monk, DNP, CNM, CLC, CH, ARNP
Certified Nurse Midwife

The values of Letitia's upbringing, training, and practice in natural healing modalities have shaped her approach to patient care. Whole-person, individualized care that honors personal autonomy and cultural values is at the heart of her practice. Spending time outdoors (walking, hiking, rowing, gardening, plant gathering), connecting with family and community (food, art, ecosystems, dance, healing/ceremony), and exploring this planet we call home are her passions and self-care.
Why I Work at Neighborcare:
I choose to work at Neighborcare Health because of the strong relationship with its beautiful, diverse, and dynamic patient community.
American Midwifery Certification Board, Certified Nurse Midwife, 2022
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Doctor of Nursing Practice, University of Washington