Katie Konrad, ARNP
Nurse Practitioner

By working in Family Practice on Vashon, an integrated health clinic, healthcare for the unsheltered; providing care in Nepal and the Dominican republic; teaching life skills to middle school students and participating in King County and Vashon Health Reserve Corps, Katie has learned so much and been deeply inspired. She studied cultural and medical Anthropology prior to nursing and wrote her thesis on Tibetan Medicine. She loves yoga, hiking, crafting, cooking, reading, gardening, being outside and spending time with friends and family.
Why I Work at Neighborcare:
I love the values of Neighborcare: social justice, cultural sensitivity, excellence and building community. I love providing primary care to diverse patients. It is interesting and deeply satisfying.
Family Nurse Practitioner, American Nursing Credentialing Center, 2008
BA Stanford University, 1998
BS Nursing Johns Hopkins University, 1991
MS Nursing. University of Washington, 1996
Post Masters, University of Washington 2007